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Documentation Configuration Customize Your Site

Markdown Options

Kramdown #

Kramdown is the Markdown renderer for Bridgetown. Below is a list of the currently supported options:

  • auto_id_prefix - Prefix used for automatically generated header IDs
  • auto_id_stripping - Strip all formatting from header text for automatic ID generation
  • auto_ids - Use automatic header ID generation
  • entity_output - Defines how entities are output
  • footnote_backlink - Defines the text that should be used for the footnote backlinks
  • footnote_backlink_inline - Specifies whether the footnote backlink should always be inline
  • footnote_nr - The number of the first footnote
  • gfm_quirks - Enables a set of GFM specific quirks
  • hard_wrap - Interprets line breaks literally
  • header_offset - Sets the output offset for headers
  • html_to_native - Convert HTML elements to native elements
  • line_width - Defines the line width to be used when outputting a document
  • link_defs - Pre-defines link definitions
  • mark_highlighting - When true, allows ==text== or ::text:: to highlight text with <mark> tags (this is a custom Bridgetown-only option)
  • math_engine - Set the math engine
  • math_engine_opts - Set the math engine options
  • parse_block_html - Process kramdown syntax in block HTML tags
  • parse_span_html - Process kramdown syntax in span HTML tags
  • smart_quotes - Defines the HTML entity names or code points for smart quote output
  • syntax_highlighter - Set the syntax highlighter
  • syntax_highlighter_opts - Set the syntax highlighter options
  • toc_levels - Defines the levels that are used for the table of contents
  • transliterated_header_ids - Transliterate the header text before generating the ID
  • typographic_symbols - Defines a mapping from typographical symbol to output characters

For more details about these options have a look at the Kramdown configuration documentation.

Custom Markdown Processors #

If you’re interested in creating a custom markdown processor, you’re in luck! Create a new class in the Bridgetown::Converters::Markdown namespace:

class Bridgetown::Converters::Markdown::MyCustomProcessor
  def initialize(config)
    require 'funky_markdown'
    @config = config
  rescue LoadError
    STDERR.puts 'You are missing a library required for Markdown. Please run:'
    STDERR.puts '  $ [sudo] gem install funky_markdown'
    raise"Missing dependency: funky_markdown")

  def convert(content)

Once you’ve created your class and have it properly set up either as a plugin in the plugins folder or as a gem, specify it in your bridgetown.config.yml:

markdown: MyCustomProcessor

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